. Avamar Administrator - Login timeout, will exit the system
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Avamar Administrator - Login timeout, will exit the system

by novaray 2021. 4. 27.

Avamar Administrator - Login timeout, will exit the system _ Dell 대한민국.pdf

요약: After upgrade to 19.3.x, Avamar Administration GUI is automatically logged off after 10 minutes without use

문서 콘텐츠


-- Avamar Server have been upgraded to version 19.3.x 

-- After 10 minutes without use, the Avamar Administrator show the message below then logoff and exit 


-- New login timeout has been deployed on Avamar 19.3.x, that causes the Avamar Administration GUI to automatically log off after 10 minutes without use 


1 -- In the workstation where the Avamar Administration GUI is installed:
  -- Reach path below, where "silvaa4" is the folder for the user logged on the workstation on this particular example (make sure to replace "silvaa4" with the username currently logged in the workstation where you are applying this workaround):C:\Users\silvaa4\.avamardata\var\mc\gui_data\prefs

2 -- Confirm that parameter to disable the "login timeout" does not exist in the file mcclient.xml:  C:\Users\silvaa4\.avamardata\var\mc\gui_data\prefs>type mcclient.xml |findstr timeout_exit_minutes C:\Users\silvaa4\.avamardata\var\mc\gui_data\prefs>

3 -- Edit the file "mcclient.xml" using notepad, in order to include the parameter [<entry key="timeout_exit_minutes" value="99999999" />] below the parameter [<entry key="ddr_max_streams" value="50" />], as follow (make sure to create a backup copy before edit), in order to disable the "login timeout":

  --> Before: . . . <entry key="ddr_snmp_trap_port" value="163" />

                      <entry key="ddr_max_streams" value="50" />

                      <entry key="dashboard_backup_period" value="Last 24 hours" />

--> After: . . .    <entry key="ddr_snmp_trap_port" value="163" />

                     <entry key="ddr_max_streams" value="50" />

                     <entry key="timeout_exit_minutes" value="99999999" />


                     <entry key="dashboard_backup_period" value="Last 24 hours" />


4 -- Save the file mcclient.xml, and confirm that new parameter is included (there is no need to boot the workstation):    

C:\Users\silvaa4\.avamardata\var\mc\gui_data\prefs>type mcclient.xml |findstr timeout_exit_minutes <entry key="timeout_exit_minutes" value="99999999" />


5 -- Delete ONLY the backup copy of that file mcclient.xml.  Keep the file mcclient.xml

6 -- Simply re-open and login into the Avamar Administration GUI and verify that after over 10 minutes logged, the session no longer closes automatically


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