. NetWorker 2038년 문제
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NetWorker 2038년 문제

by novaray 2022. 5. 23.

2038년 문제란(Year 2038 Problem, Y2K38)

유닉스 시간에 32비트 정수형을 쓰는 모든 컴퓨터의 시계가 UTC 0 기준으로 2038년 1월 19일 3시 14분 7초가 지나는 순간 사인 비트가 1로 바뀌면서 음수가 되어 1901년 12월 13일 20시 45분 52초나, 자동으로 오류를 감지하고 초기값인 0, 즉 1970년 1월 1일 0시 정각으로 돌아가게 되는 버그를 칭한다. 영어로는 Year 2038 problem, Unix Millennium bug 등으로 표기한다.

NetWorker에서는 백업시에 보관주기가 (현재 + 보관주기)의 합이 2038년이 넘게 되면 보관주기를 설정하지 못하여,
백업이 실패 하는 문제

해결방법 : 19.3버전부터 해결 됨

해당 내용은 아래의 문서를 확인 

NetWorker 19.3 - Year 2038 feature _ Dell Korea, Republic of.pdf


  NetWorker actions can be configured for retention period beyond the year 2038.
        Note: Maximum retention period is 136 Years from the save set creation time
  All time related resources like Overrides, TimePolicies will now support years beyond 2038.
  Special value of  forever  is updated
        Till 19.2   ==>> 19th Jan 2038
        From 19.3 ==>>  ~292 billion years

  mminfo queries have been updated to support querying for old and newer retention times.
  All command line utilities (19.3 & above) which take date as an input will now support dates beyond 2038.
        Ex: nsrmm, save etc.
  Client initiated backups with no retention time and not part of any protection policies will have a retention time of 11:11:11 AM, 29th Feb, 2152 (GMT).

Problem Statement

  Data Protection policies do not support protection beyond the Year 2038
  NetWorker versions prior to 19.3 did not support retaining the save sets beyond year 2038
  When user tries to set a date beyond the year 2038, NetWorker returns an  invalid retention time  and the corresponding operation fails.



The Year 2038 problem relates to representing time in many digital systems as number of seconds passed since January 1, 1970 and storing it as a signed 32-bit integer.
Such implementations cannot encode times after 03:14:07 UTC on 19 January 2038. Just like the Y2K problem, the Year 2038 problem is caused by insufficient capacity of the chosen storage unit.

NOTE: For more info please check Dell EMC KBA #518900 



  NetWorker 8.2.4 is the minimum version supported for an upgrade to NetWorker 19.3 code build.
  NetWorker versions prior to 8.2.4, need to be upgraded to NetWorker 8.2.4, before upgrading to NetWorker 19.3
  Forever save sets backed up as part of pre NetWorker 19.3, will NOT be migrated to new forever, when upgraded to NetWorker 19.3
  Newer backups with forever retention time, post the upgrade to NetWorker 19.3, shall be updated with newer forever time
  Forever retention enabled save sets backed up as part of pre NetWorker 19.3 shall be audited into a log file during the upgrade to NetWorker 19.3
  Log file Location: <NW_INSTALL_DIR>/logs/old forever retention time --<timestamp.log>

Additional Information

Backward Compatibility

* NetWorker 19.3 client communicating with a pre 19.3 NetWorker server is not an officially supported configuration.
** Backup actions are not supported due to 32 bit OS limitation. However, clone actions are supported.
*** Backup actions are not supported. However, clone actions are supported.


  How to verify retention value is set beyond 2038 or to forever? 
# mminfo -avot -r  ssid,ssbrowse ( ssretent ( clretent (25) 
or from UI

  How to recognize savesets with old and new forever values?  
# mminfo -avot -q "ssattr=*NSR_OLD_FOREVER_TIME"
# mminfo -avot -q "ssattr=*NSR_NEW_FOREVER_TIME"

  How to change old forever to new forever?  
# nsrmm -S <ssid> e "01/01/2037"
# nsrmm -S <ssid> e forever

  Is any error message thrown when trying to set retention beyond the maximum supported value of 136 years from CLI or UI?  
192351:nsrd: Value of '137 Years' is exceeded when evaluated to the maximum supported retention period of 136 Years.

Known Issues / Limitation

  If the NetWorker retention period value is set to 100 years and the Data Domain retention lock period value using the policy configuration is set to 70 Years,
  then the value of 70 years is applied to the file on the Data Domain, whereas the NetWorker data base updates the save set with a retention period of 100 years.

  NMC displays the year in the two digit YY format, while the NetWorker UI displays the year in four digit YYYY format.

  If the absolute date contains the year in a two digit (YY) format, then the year is considered as equal to or greater than the current year. Recommendation : Use YYYY format

  Post upgrade to NetWorker 19.3, both the old and new forever save sets shall be shown as forever .
      - To display the old forever as absolute value, issue the updated mminfo queries

  If client initiated backups are triggered with  forever  retention time and the data is being backed up via a pre 19.3 NetWorker storage node managed
  by a 19.3 NetWorker server, then the retention time is set to Feb 7th, 2106 instead of  forever .

  If there are any client initiated backups with  forever  retention to pre 19.3 server, where browse !=retention, then during restart of NW services,
NetWorker automatically set the browse period equals to retention period to  forever .
This happens only if there are savesets whose browse != retention value.
If user has not restarted the services before upgrade to 19.3,  then after upgrade to 19.3, NW server would automatically set the browse and retention values to  new forever  which is beyond 2038.
This automatic change in retention happens only if user has not restarted the NW services where browse ! = retention value for  forever  retention value.

Additional Information

For more information please refer to:
      NetWorker 19.3 Administration Guide,  NetWorker Year 2038 Readiness  section
      NetWorker 19.3 Updating Guide
