Avamar plugin for Oracle: Windows or Unix RMAN backup fails with: avoracle Error<12323>: Timeout on wait for sub-proces
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An RMAN backup for Oracle on a Windows or Unix based Avamar client fails with following error:
2012-12-10 23:18:11 avoracle Info <7067>: Creating manager for snapview 2012-12-10 23:18:11 avoracle Info <6686>: Process 7064 (C:\Program Files\avs\bin\avtar) for workorder oracle- started 2012-12-10 23:18:11 avoracle Info <10684>: Setting ctl message version to 2 (from 1) 2012-12-10 23:20:41 avoracle Error <12323>: Timeout on wait for sub-process 2012-12-10 23:21:27 avoracle Info <6688>: Process 7064 (C:\Program Files\avs\bin\avtar) finished (code 0: Success) 2012-12-10 23:21:29 avoracle Error <7011>: Unable to successfully process snapview workorder because of No error
Backup of a (possibly large) database has failed with a snapview timeout. The avtar process has a specified wait time for avoracle to create the snapview.
If the snapview creation time exceeds the specified wait time, the backup will fail with avoracle Error <12323>: Timeout on wait for sub-process.
If the snapview creation time is more then the avtar wait timeout time - 180 seconds, the backup will fail with following error message:
2012-12-10 23:20:41 avoracle Error <12323>: Timeout on wait for sub-process.
To work around this issue, set the "[avoracle]subprocesstimeoutsecs" option
to 300:
1. Edit the Dataset, Options tab, select correct Plugin type, click More.
The dialog box expands to display the Enter Attribute and Enter Attribute Value
2. Type "[avoracle]subprocesstimeoutsecs" in the Enter Attribute field.
3. Type 300 in the Enter Attribute Value field.
4. Click +.
5. Click OK.
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Affected Product
Avamar, Avamar Client, Avamar Plug-in for Oracle